Cleveland Model Railway Club Show 2018 Modelling Competition

It is intended to hold a modelling competition at our Model Railway Show  at Redcar and Cleveland College  this year. The winner of the competition will be awarded the Tony Hinchley Memorial Trophy at the show on Sunday morning.
Models will be displayed in an enclosed cabinet viewed from the front throughout the weekend and cabinet will be tended by club members.
The competition will be judged on Saturday by a person who is not a member of the club.

Rules of Entry to the Competition

The competition is open to any member of Cleveland Model Railway Club who holds a valid membership card.

Models entered for the competition do not necessarily have to be of a railway related nature.

The model must be built by the member who enters the model for judging.

Models may be scratch or kit built.

Models must be in static form and must not contain hazardous chemicals or flammable fuels or gasses which may be used to power them. To clarify: A live steam model may be entered but must not contain its firing medium and must be cold.

The size of an entry may be restricted where cabinet space is limited.

Entry is limited to two models per club member. This will be at the discretion of the Show Manager and will depend upon cabinet space available.

Members entering the competition agree to their model/models being placed on display for the whole of the show weekend.

Models must be presented at the show before 09-15 hours Saturday morning  together with the entry description slip.

Entry forms and description slips will be available from the show manager at the beginning of June.

All entry forms must be submitted by July 26th. Late entries will be at the discretion of the show manager and may be refused if available space is not available in the display cabinets.

Entrants must agree that the judges’ decision is final.
Club Competition Members Only
Club Competition
© 2017 Cleveland Model Railway Club